This will be the last entry for this blog. This is for everyone who couldn't be there, and these pictures are just a few of the ones that I took. Remember, you can click on all pictures for a larger view.

This is what the reception room looked like. Yvette did a great job, it was beautiful.

These were also Yvettes idea. Very different, and good looking!

There was one of these for every place setting. A lot of work and planning went into this day.

Next time you see Malachi, ask him about these bells! They were a big hit. He REALLY enjoyed them! No really Mal, we know you liked them. Are you glad they are gone? Are they?

Here Malachi is helping Vinnie get ready. Vinnie got run ragged just minutes before this picture was taken, and was a great help.

While Malachi was in the bathroom getting ready, guess who I caught sneaking in another door? The bride looked beautiful!

The groom patiently waiting for the life changing event about to happen.

Here Comes The Bride............

The groomsmen.

The bridesmaids.

Joe and Yvette stealing a moment during the ceremony.

Now is the time for the vows. They look calm, so far...........

..........but it looks like someone is having a little trouble!
Bucky is convinced this was a moment of terror! Will he make it?

He gets through it here! We all knew he would do it. Maybe he was just trying to enjoy one last brief moment of being single. Maybe he felt so strongly he couldn't get it all out. Maybe Bucky was on to something!

Yvette breezed through hers, with no hesitation at all.

Here is a wide angle shot of the ceremony. It couldn't have been better.

THEY DID IT!!!!!!!

Here is the traditional first bite of cake. Will they behave?

Of course they do!

Finally some food pictures! Just for you Sherm!
This is the grooms cake, with the one on the left a model of Joes car.

This is the wedding cake. The wine goblets form a heart when they are put together.

At the reception. A staged photo for a shameless VROC plug!. Yvette being in the background was a pleasant surprise.

At the reception, there was some celebrating going on. Look who I caught really celebrating!

After they knew they were found out, Bucky started cutting up for the camera.
We had a lot of fun, and want to thank Yvette and Joe for everything they did. It was a lot of fun, and we all look forward to spending more time together.